Hi, I’m Annie!

I help childfree women create
Delightfully Free and fulfilling lives.


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Dare to Dream: Cultivate Your North Star

Start the process of connecting with the deep knowing of what you truly want and need for your life.

Get ready to dream from the heart and set your compass toward your North Star on the journey to a Delightfully Free Life as a Childfree Woman!

Navigating Mainstream Culture as a Childfree Woman

You get together with your beloved friends and their kids who you cherish, excited to catch up. Conversations unfold with fits and starts, often focusing on the details and hustle of kids and parenthood. You mention how pumped you are about a month-long trip you just booked to Spain for language immersion and a conference led by a much-admired leader in your field. “Must be nice!” your friend comments with a sarcastic tone.

On a sparkly, Saturday afternoon date, you are delighting in fun conversation while waiting for a table in a new, hopping restaurant when it happens…a woman asks “Do you have kids”. You hold your breath, your body stiffens, and you wonder, “Is there no space or experience I can escape this question?”

It’s the holidays, you are wrapping up a fantastic year and feeling great about life! While celebrating, a family member says loud enough for everyone to hear, “You better hurry up and make some kids of your own, you aren’t getting any younger!” You feel your face flush and your heart races. You don’t know whether to run for it or jab back with one of the sharp-edged, crafty responses you’ve compiled in your mind for moments just like this.

You can’t shake the feeling that your life’s journey is less significant to those around you who are focused on raising or having children.

You wonder, where do I fit in?


Parenthood is A choice, not THE choice.


Your worth is inherent, not earned by achieving any mainstream milestones.


You have infinite possibilities in this life.


Your path forward is full of potential for magic and fulfillment.


Your desires as a childfree woman matter.

  • You love and care deeply for the parents and children in your life, but crave connection and community where children and parenting isn’t the dominant feature

  • You crave connection and intentional community with other childfree women forging a soulful path with their lives

  • You dream of gatherings with friends that have the time and energy to deeply connect, discuss ideas, explore progress and hurdles, inspire, support and create together

  • You want to share all the delights and wonders of the world, like learning, music, art, adventure, the wilderness, and travel, with others with similar desires and passions who are prepared to cultivate the resources to make it happen

  • You desire community with others that want to make the world a better place for all beings, with shared progressive values who are ready to learn and grow along this path


Welcome! I’m Annie Robershaw (she/her).

I came into this world sensitive, intuitive, craving freedom, connection, fun and adventure. My nature was not modeled or fostered by those around me in the way I needed. I quickly began integrating the messaging of culture that my purpose and path was to be a mother in this life and to anticipate and be responsible for the needs of others. My authentic dreams and needs were submerged by messages that my natural desires were unrealistic, low priority, out of step, irresponsible and risky!

I married young, and soon experienced many years of failed infertility treatments. A day of reckoning came for my inculturated identity when the last treatment failed… I screamed out, alone, lying face down on the floor in a pool of wretched tears: ”if I am not going to be a mom, who am I going to be?”

This shattering question broke me open and led me on a journey of discovery that changed my life in difficult, but magical ways and brought me home to myself. 


When I realized I was going to be a childfree woman in my late 20s, there was no one around me to look to for guidance, inspiration and support for how to navigate or thrive along a childfree journey. I felt lost in the wilderness without a compass, and internally alienated from everyone around me on the path of parenthood.

Step by step, through the wilderness of life as a childfree woman I reclaimed my nature and cultivated the life my soul needed. A life full of love, purpose, delight, adventure, belonging, learning, and possibility. A life of FREEDOM!

That’s why I’ve created the Delightfully Free Journey to support you along your path to a life that feels wholeheartedly aligned with YOU and what you are uniquely here to experience. 

And soon, you’ll be able to help found The Delightfully Free Community.  You’ll  be welcomed with warmth, light, inspiration, laughter and a cozy place to land and be restored. 

I never want another childfree woman, whether by choice or circumstance, to feel lost or alone in the wilderness of her journey. 

I want YOU to have support, inspiration and a place to belong where you can be nurtured and protected, just the way you are. 

The Delightfully Free Journey

  • WomanHoldingCompassLookingAtMountains

    Phase 1: Set Your Compass

    You are ready for a journey for your soul’s desires!

    In this phase, it’s normal to feel lost, unsure how to move forward toward a life that fulfills you. Whether childfree by choice or circumstance, no one told you all the juicy possibilities of a delightfully childfree life!

    You will face this uncertainty with the Dare to Dream Approach. You’ll start to dance with the possibilities and cultivate a compelling, embodied vision for your life that will serve as your North Star to set your compass to.

  • NotebooksFairlyLightsOnWoodTable

    Phase 2: Map, Pack, Prepare

    Now with your compass set it’s time to prepare and pack!

    You are feeling excited, nervous, a little unsure of yourself, but your intuition is telling you “keep going!”

    In this phase, you will identify what resources and navigational support you'll need for your journey as you begin to map out your steps forward. This may include mentors, community, financial planning, new learning, perspective, or cultivating new habits. (Never go on an adventure without delicious snacks and a pair of comfortable, cute shoes!) You will also explore and devise a plan to handle potential roadblocks along the path, like old learning, patterns, relationships, and beliefs.

  • GroupOfWomenSittingOnEdgeOfMountainAtSunset

    Phase 3: Becoming & Belonging

    You are on your way, the journey is unfolding! You are learning so much about yourself and life. It’s invigorating, challenging, and sometimes scary, but it’s real and you are feeling so ALIVE!

    In this phase, you will take time to rest, integrate, and share your experiences and new learning with your Delightfully Free Community so we can celebrate and learn from you. YOU are an inspiration!

    As you reflect, new learning, possibilities, and inspiration will emerge that will cultivate new dreams or refine the ones you already have. When you are rested and ready, you’ll set your compass and journey on, with us all cheering for you along the way!


In the Delightfully Free Community:

→You have the freedom to imagine and discuss all the possibilities a childfree life has to offer – and make it happen!

→You have a cozy place to land when you feel lost, the journey gets challenging or downright hard

→You emerge out of the wilderness empowered and liberated to live a Delightfully Free life, and in your freedom and delight, you inspire others to do the same

Your FREE Meditation

Thank you!

Get ready to dream from the heart and cultivate your North Star!

If you are ready to start your Delightfully Free Journey, download the FREE Dare to Dream Meditation to take the first step.

Plus, you’ll be the first to learn about the opportunity to join the Delightfully Free Community and exciting upcoming offerings for the childfree woman sisterhood.


Delightfully Free Testimonials

— Maegan Megginson, Licensed Therapist, Business Coach

“Being a childfree professional woman can be lonely. I've spent years biting my tongue in professional circles that seem to revolve around motherhood. My heart craved relationships with women who were also childfree—women who understood the beauty of a life full of choice, energy, and love to share in so many creative and diverse ways. Then I met Annie Robershaw. WHOA. Annie is the beacon of light we've been waiting for! She oozes kindness, compassion, and joy. She holds a vision for children women rooted in community and connection. Annie has helped me see how much MAGIC I have to share with the world as a childfree woman! She has a gift for seeing straight into your heart and pulling out the parts of you that haven't felt safe playing in the world. She is a gifted community builder, facilitator, and guide for women ready to create an unapologetically dreamy life for themselves while doing really good work in the world. Annie brings an infinite supply of love and hope to childfree women everywhere. If you're ready to embrace your childfree spirit and create a community of loving and like-minded childfree women, Annie is absolutely the person you want in your corner.”

— Arianna Smith, Licensed Therapist + Intuitive Copywriter

“Annie brings wonderful lived experience and clinical expertise to supporting women who are facing both the internal demons and systemic struggles with being a childfree women! She is deeply invested in empowering childfree women - and she will be your biggest cheerleader in crafting whatever life lights you up. You can't help but be changed for the better after working with Annie. Even via video or audio records, she brings a level of depth and magic that reaches out to you through the screen.”

— Paige Bond, Child Free Elder Emo, LMFT, Relationship Coach + Podcast Host)

“Knowing that Annie has her own personal experience living a childfree life and have gracefully navigated getting to the peaceful place she is today made me feel instantly comfortable speaking with her about my own journey related to motherhood. That combined with her professional qualifications, natural way with people, and obvious passion to help build a more inclusive world puts her right in the Total Legend category as far as I'm concerned!

Just upon meeting Annie she feels like a friend, a safe place. Couple that with her impressive credentials and professional experience and you've got yourself an absolute treasure of a resource!”

— Megan B., Austin, TX

“Annie has helped me understand the experiences of other childfree women that are not my own which has helped bring me closer to other women and also investigate my own thought processes. Her passion inspires me to form community and see the joys and magic of the freedom I possess in my life. She has a gift for knowing exactly what will bring me closer to seeing the truth within myself. Annie has the ability to see the bright light inside you and intuitively knows how to help you shine that light out into the world. I don’t know what magical portal she was sent through but I’m so glad she’s here and in my life. I literally know no one else who spends as much time educating herself as Annie and I’m always so impressed with her workshops and offerings. I get fired up about life after our conversations and I look forward to becoming a part of and supporting this amazing community.”

“Annie is warm, kind, thoughtful, and has a great sense of humor, and Annie knows her shit! She is passionate about being of service and in support of childfree women. In addition to her lived experience as a childfree woman, she has extensive education and professional experience working with women. She offers a lovely balance of expertise, knowledge, compassion, authenticity, and integrity. She understands what it's like to be a childfree woman and knows how to support women navigating this space.”

— Kim Scott, LMFT

“Annie gets it. I felt so honored and held in creating this vision of a childfree life with her guidance because she KNOWS what messages women get about choosing this path and how to really get over the obstacles. I look forward to every session I have with her because she lights up with this fiery passion when helping me dream the life I want and actually put it into words.

Annie's drive and motivation in her work shows. In our Dare to Dream Vision Coaching, she was not only able to help me pinpoint key areas that I desire for my childfree life, but help me envision it as if it were actually happening in the session. I got so excited because I could almost taste it and our coaching together helped me realize that my goals are definitely within my reach!”

— Misty Anderson, BSN, RN

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